Karloz's hyip blog

My Experiences with High Yield Investment opportunities

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

solid investment

It seems everywhere I read at the moment, people are talking about the ponzi, "Solid Investment". I must confess, When I first started out six months ago, I did join this program, as it did look impressive, but within a few days of reading posts on hyipD and talking with more experienced investors, I soon learnt that it was very obviously a ponzi program. Fortunately for me, I managed to get my principle out plus a little extra before they forced me to join their "Special Plan". Basically as soon as they did this, I wrote the program off completely, as by then I was knowledgable enough to know that the returns this "special plan" was claiming were very unrealistic and it was just a ploy to not pay out current members, whilst still taking new members, this way the ponzi will last longer and probably be more profitable for the criminals. It saddens me to see the number of people still beleiveing this program is real and genuine. I guess some people never get over this naive "Its paying me, how can it possibly be a scam?" mentality. Be careful folks!


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