Karloz's hyip blog

My Experiences with High Yield Investment opportunities

Saturday, April 29, 2006

MPDW - Oh Dear

The MPDW situation has been contraversial recently to say the least. Last week it got a whole lot uglier, too. They claim to have had a terrible week of trading and lost all of their reserve fund. This will undoubtidly give plenty of fire power to the people who think they are a ponzi. They claim to have a plan to attempt to resolve the problem, personally I have written this program off completely. It was a bad choice on my part. I now know I should have got out when they broke their promise to provide proof of trading. I certainly have learn a valuable lesson here. Thankfully, I did plan to invest more gold into the program but I never did, due to all the controversy. I am very glad I didnt. They were only a small part of my portfolio, so it won't hurt too badly. Avoid this program AT ALL COSTS!


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